Training & downloads
Training materials & project products
Documents and files archive with methodologies, knowledge, strategy, guidelines and graphical materials, which could be used during and beyond the project end by project partners.
Training Materials for SEPAs (Summer Energy Poverty Agents)
The objective of the training materials is to provide the SEPAs (Summer Energy Poverty Agents) with the skills, competencies, and knowledge, to properly support citizens in managing and satisfying their energy needs, especially during summer.
The training materials address energy related technical issues, social questions connected to the theme of energy poverty, and communication methods.
In each country, SEPAs coordinators and volunteers usually have followed the same training course to become Sepas, with the difference that coordinators had also additional materials on managerial and monitoring issues.
Training programme and the training materials of the SEPAs divided per region and language:
Are you willing to run a workshop at your place?
Download the materials here to conduct various workshops from our project at your location. You will find presentations, guides and leaflets available in different languages.