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Presentation of Cooltorise at an Annual Conference on Energy Poverty in Bulgaria

Association CSEG took part in the XVI National Conference of ABEA (the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies) on 29th and 30th of November, 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. This time the topic of the conference was “Energy Efficiency and RES – how to meet the challenges of the energy transition and the energy poverty” and whole panel on the 30th of November was dedicated to energy poverty, providing various tools, definitions, measures, and initiatives to tackle this challenging problem in South-east European countries.

There were a large number of stakeholders attending the event physically, as well as online because the event was organized in hybrid mode, and could be followed online by interested bodies.

Representatives of the Bulgarian partner, Association CSEG, presented the Cooltorise project, and mainly its achievements during the first year of the project with the training of SEPAs (Summer Energy Poverty Agents), as well as the start of summer workshops with vulnerable citizens in the four piloting countries. After the presentation, there was a discussion panel, where interesting suggestions came from different stakeholders on how to improve environmental policies by taking into account summer energy poverty, and not only winter energy poverty. There were also interesting suggestions on how to cool down during the hottest period in the year.

Video of the presentation of Mr. Simeonov, as well as photos from the event can be found below:



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