Building on the lessons learnt from last year SEPAs training, this year, the COOLtoRISE partners decided to make the training of the SEPAs (Summer Energy Poverty Agents) more interactive and practical. The goal of the training is to provide SEPAs with the necessary knowledge and tools to help vulnerable householders to tackle summer energy poverty.
To facilitate SEPAs’ actions on-the-ground, such as delivering workshops on summer energy poverty and energy bills, several partners included in the training mock workshop activities to make the SEPAs feel more confident and ready while delivering the workshops to vulnerable householders.
In Parma, Italy, an entire lesson of this year’s training was devoted to a mock workshop activity. Assisted by an expert in communication and teamwork, the Italian SEPAs simulated their very first workshop in front of their peers. SEPAs were given practical suggestions on how to communicate effectively with householders and be good public speakers. The result? An empowering and fun experience, filled with practical tips and useful skills that SEPAs will use not just in COOLtoRISE workshops but in their personal lives as well.