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Closing participation in Learning and Service at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and initiating the corporate volunteer work program in Barcelona

In Madrid, in the framework of the Cooltorise project, the first cycle of participation in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid’s Learning and Service programme has ended. This was set up as one of the main channels for the recruitment and training of Summer Energy Poverty Agents. The programme seeks to involve professors and students in projects that contribute to the formation and implementation of initiatives with social impact. The aim of this particular ApS is to raise awareness of summer energy poverty among participants and volunteers, so that the lessons learned can be useful in reducing household cooling energy costs and increasing thermal comfort indoors.

The pedagogical concept consisted of a “learning by doing” approach, whereby the lived experiences of people in a situation of vulnerability are brought closer together. Cooperative learning also took place through the activities developed in the project, both in the workshops and in the activities in the external interventions.

The activities took place in the district of Usera, with a total of 18 workshops in which 103 households participated. It is also worth mentioning the participation in the European Researchers’ Night that took place on 30 September, in which Usera residents attended the activities of the Cooltorise project developed in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid facilities.

A video of the Learning and Service experiences can be found at the following link:Proyecto ApS: SEPAS-SEPAS Summer Energy Poverty Agents (1): OUTDOOR SPUYNIK

In Barcelona, the project added new volunteers including some professionals from Schneider Electric, a company that chose Cooltorise for its Corporate Social Responsibility activities.
Schneider offers volunteer work actions to the company workers so that they can be trained as Summer Energy Poverty Agents with Cooltorise and to raise awareness about the efficient use of energy to reduce cooling needs in summer.

In November, already 10 people from the company showed their interest in the project and joined the SEPAs’ training to be able in the near future to: provide information to households through workshops, carry out outdoors interventions and/or take part into awareness raising activities related to the impact of climate change in energy poverty, especially in the summer.

“Cooltorise is about everything that we and our people fight for”, as defined by the company.

In addition, Cooltorise was one of the projects selected by the electric company for their Giving Tuesday campaign.

“We strengthen the sense of belonging of the people to the community, sharing the social values of the company that match those in which Cooltorise and its coordinating organisations work on”, added Schneider to explain its commitment with corporate volunteer work actions.

The corporate volunteer work program started with Schneider Electric, but other companies and entities are expected to join as well.


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